
Published in: 
Ales Chmelar

The second-dip recession in Europe’s periphery has created a poisonous mix, which risks threatening further the financial system and the economy.

Published in: 
Elina Pyykkö

The Data Protection Regulation proposed by the European Commission contains important elements to facilitate and secure personal data flows within the Single Market.

Published in: 
Elina Pyykko

The Payment Services Directive was intended to provide more price transparency for users and a level playing field for efficient competition among different payment services by decreasing the inhibiting effects of different legislation, cross-subsidisation and non-cost-based pricing.

Published in: 
Karel Lannoo, Maria Gerhardt

With the financial crisis, citizens suddenly realized that different levels and forms of depositor protection co-existed in the EU, whereas they had been told for almost 20 years that a single market was in place. Current deposit insurance arrangements in Europe need to be changed, as they match neither market integration nor consumer expectations.

Published in: 
Karel Lannoo

This paper starts with a bird’s eye view of retail financial markets in the EU today and their degree of integration.

Published in: 
Filipa Figueira

The European Commission has recently taken several initiatives to increase the financial capability of EU consumers.

Published in: 
Pauli Lepistö, Marc Rothemund, Nicola Jentzsch

Two years of intensive negotiations have ended with the adoption of the Payment Services Directive by the European Parliament in the first reading, and the proposed legislation is due to be adopted shortly by the EU Council.

Published in: 
Marc Rothemund, Maria Gerhardt

Credit referencing occurs in many countries of the world with a primary purpose of collecting and providing information to help lenders make better decisions.

Published in: 
Nicola Jentzsch, Christian Wey

This report brings together in a single volume the excellent contributions presented at the high-level conference on “The Future of Retail Banking in Europe: Competition and Regulatory Challenges” held at CEPS on the 10th of June 2009.
